
The west has been happy to send its Great Men (and Women) into colonize and organize the poor into cog-like places in factories. People think capitalism is about competition, but it's even more about massive coordination inside companies, which then (ostensibly) compete with each other. Have a look inside Asian auto, electronics, chip, and textile factories -- or inside Amazon in the US. Yes, there are masses of people around the world to be educated, gain skills, become employed, work jobs. But the ideal is not one Big Person and 10,000's of little people. (Cowboy gurus and their million followers not excluded.) *Collaboration* between equals, with diversified expertise (everyone in different areas), would be a different paradigm. Could it be done at scale? I don't know.

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The problem is that there are simply too many people, and in the western world individualism has made too many cowboys. This is not the case everywhere. There are places in the world where smart, savvy visionaries are still a rarity, where competent leadership is still desperately needed. Just don't expect to get paid much for it.

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