I was briefly in a small writing group with Allie Tempus (Alexandra) who has a book coming out about internal climate migration in the US. She writes in part about efforts to move entire communities out of harm's way (not a good solution apparently). There was a spurt of articles on how people should move to Duluth or other upper parts of the US to avoid some of the effects but when I asked her about that she said something that stuck with me: Nowhere is safe.

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I've long wondered about that, whether anywhere would be safe. My mom was always looking for the "best" place to live and she devoured statistics about crime and natural disasters, always trying to find someplace "safe." I agree that it's probably impossible for some authority to move people, even out of harm's way. Will they even go? "Hurricane is coming, time to evacuate!" "No, I'm staying in my own house!" So many examples of that. But other people are desperate to migrate, and so many -- billions, living in the most populous parts of the world, which are going to be the most vulnerable to desertification and famine, flood, fire -- are going to move, mostly north since there isn't much land going south. We think we in America have problems with immigration on our southern border now! Europe has been experiencing it as well. I suppose there are some climate migrants; most are political or economic. Just wait. It's going to get crazy. Thanks for the book recommendation by Tempus. I'll keep an eye out. Welcome to the Daily Inch (Ink)!

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