Index posts come at the end of each three-week publishing cadence. (For new readers, Pose Ponder publishes weekdays for three weeks on, one week off.) Indexes —indices? I can never decide — are an opportunity for me to gather together a handful of older posts and re-present them.
For Index No. 5, the theme is old posts I should (or do) cite a lot. Maybe these are a kind of “best of”? Maybe they’re a “start here”? Mostly they’re the things I keep on thinking about. Future indexes will continue this selection.
Have a great break and see you in a week!
P.S. — On Saturday mornings, per usual, you’ll get the weekly round-up.
Posed: Good or Bad Anthropocene?
PPE (No, not personal protective equipment)
Capitalism's Pros and Cons
To Grow or Not to Grow
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