Very quick post today, as I’m working to make The Daily Inchoate better.
Yesterday, I set up a weekly option to reduce clutter in your inbox. Recall that you have to go to your account page and tweak the settings under Notifications.
Today I want to encourage anyone who is reading more than a handful of Substack newsletters to get the Substack app and read there rather than via email. Here’s the link to check out the app and download:
(You can also read on the web.)
I will say that I was surprised by the number of newsletters I had subscribed to over the years and didn’t realize they are (now) hosted on Substack. Getting a whole bunch of things out of my inbox was a relief!
To get the most of switching to the app, you may again need to tweak a setting, available on your Profile → Settings page (available from the dropdown in the upper right corner). Set up for Smart notifications.
Tomorrow I’ll suggest yet a couple more options for simplifying your reading on Substack and following favorite writers.
And on Friday I’m going to launch something NEW! Stay tuned.